Bert's blog

Signals and interrupts

When an operating system starts a software program, it will typically create a process for that program and hand that process control over some hardware resources. The process can then use those resources to run and request more resources until it decides it has finished and terminates. This is the normal flow of program execution.

However, sometimes the operating system might need to take back control of the hardware resources used by a process before the program finishes, e.g. because another process has a higher priority, or because the program is ill-behaved: it does not finish within the expected time, tries to access memory that was not allocated (a segmentation fault) or executes an illegal CPU instruction. Since the operating system is ultimately in control of the hardware resources, there are some mechanisms through which it can take back control from a running process, with different levels of urgency.


When a process is running, it could be doing a large variety of things, but all of these will involve usage of the CPU. The most efficient way for the operating system kernel to send signals to a running process is hence by sending a message to one of the CPUs that is currently executing the process. This kind of message is called a signal. The availability of these signals depends on the type of operating system: all Unix and Unix-like operating systems that are POSIX-compliant have them. A full list of possible signals is available from Wikipedia. What signal is sent will depend on the reason for the signal, and will also determine the urgency with which the signal needs to be handled.

When a CPU receives a signal, it will almost immediately stop executing whatever instruction it was doing (it will make sure this instruction is carried out correctly), and call a signal handler that depends on the type of signal that was received. This signal handler is a limited low-level function that can perform a specific set of operations to deal with the signal, and that decides whether or not to continue program execution. Once the signal handler finishes, the CPU will pick up again the work it was doing, unless the signal handler decides to abort the process.

Note that a signal is only received by a single CPU. If a process is using multiple CPUs at the time of reception, the other CPUs will not be aware of the signal, unless the signal handler decides to notify them. This inevitably makes signal handlers vulnerable to race conditions, and seriously limits the number of safe operations they can perform.

Every signal that can be emitted comes with a default signal handler, and most of these signal handlers will simply immediately terminate the process. There are two signals for which this is always the case: SIGSTOP and SIGKILL, as these are the ultimate ways for the kernel to pull the plug on a process. For all other signals, it is possible to override the default signal handler and to either completely ignore the signal, or deal with in a less fatal way. Additionally, it is possible to suppress signals altogether, or suspend them temporarily.

Handling signals

In C++, there are two ways to install a default signal handler for a process. The first way is using the <csignal> header which is part of the C++ standard library:

#include <csignal>
#include <cstdlib>

void signal_handler(int signal) {
  // do something

int main(int argc, char **argv){

  std::signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);


  return 0;

This example will install the function signal_handler as signal handler for SIGINT (signal interrupt), which is the signal that is typically sent to the process when you abort a process using CTRL+C. When you compile and run this example, the program will enter an endless loop, which you can break by pressing CTRL+C. The program will then execute whatever additional code is present in the signal_handler function, before calling abort to kill the process.

The UNIX standard defines a somewhat more general and robust variant of this API, which is contained in the header <signal.h> and that defines a function sigaction that is very similar to the signal function above:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <signal.h>

void signal_handler(int signal) {
  // do something

int main(int argc, char **argv){

  struct sigaction signal_action;
  signal_action.sa_handler = signal_handler;
  signal_action.sa_flags = 0;
  sigaction(SIGINT, &signal_action, nullptr);


  return 0;

The additional sa_mask and sa_flags options in the sigaction structure allow for more control over the way the signal is handled; it is therefore generally recommended to use the latter approach when possible.

What can a signal handler do?

Thus far, the signal_handler function in our example is not doing anything before it aborts the process. As mentioned before, it is very limited in what it is allowed to do, mostly because of its vulnerability to race conditions. A signal handler is for example not allowed to write output using the default output functions, as it might be called while another thread is using these output functions at the same time. In practice, this means the signal handler cannot (safely) do more than set some variables, but only if those variables can be set in an atomic (i.e. thread safe) way.

That being said, I personally think it is still possible to use unsafe operations within a signal handler, especially when that signal handler will ultimately still abort the process. If your program for example does not do any output for most of its time, then it is perfectly safe to interrupt the program while it is not doing output and do some output from the signal handler. While this is in principle not safe, it will work correctly in almost all cases, and when it does not work correctly, it will simply cause the program to crash, which would otherwise happen anyway.

Apart from setting some (global) variables (safe) and maybe providing some useful output to the user (unsafe, but in many cases acceptable), there is not much useful work that can be done inside a signal handler. This is also not required; the signal handler is likely invoked in the middle of something, and it is usually better to actively deal with the signal once that something has finished. Most signal handlers will hence use the global variables they are allowed to set as a flag to activate specific code later on that will deal with the signal.

The use of global variables is in this context a bit annoying, as they conflict with good program design. However, in this context, they are absolutely inevitable, simply because of the very nature of signals: signals can be caught at any time during program execution, and there is no guarantee that any context will be available at that time, except the global program context. It is however still possible to encapsulate global signal handler variables inside appropriate namespaces and to hide their global character as much as possible.

Which signals should I handle?

The list of possible signals in the POSIX-standard is reasonably long, and most of these signals will never be emitted in any relevant context. A SIGILL (illegal instruction) for example is emitted when a program invokes a CPU instruction that is not available on the CPU it is running on. This is only possible if - somehow - the program machine code generated by the compiler contains an instruction that is actually not available on the machine for which the code was compiled. This is only possible if something went seriously wrong during the compilation process.

Other signals can be very useful, like e.g. SIGFPE (floating point exception), which tells you that a fishy floating point operation took place: a divide by zero or an underflow/overflow (where the result of an operation can no longer be stored within the precision of a floating point variable). These signals usually point at some problem in the actual computation, and handling them might be a good way of avoiding unwanted behaviour during your computation. Note that this signal can only be emitted if the kernel knows about these problems occurring. This in itself depends on interrupts being set for these events (see below), and on many systems these interrupts are not enabled by default.

One signal that is always useful to handle is the SIGINT encountered before, because it is the signal that is emitted when you try to manually kill the running program using CTRL+C. I found that I often do this because I want to pause a program, rather than completely stop it: I might have started the program with the wrong parameters or the wrong number of threads, so that it is slower than I would want it to be, or takes to long to complete. In this case, what I actually want is to store the state of the program when I press CTRL+C, and then restart from that state with better parameters. This is actually possible by installing a custom signal handler for SIGINT.


Signals are somewhat related to another concept in program execution: interrupts. While signals are messages from the kernel (or hence the operating system) to the running process, interrupts are messages from the hardware or some specific software component to the kernel. When a floating point exception occurs for example, this will be noticed by the CPU that is executing the operation that causes the floating point exception. This will trigger a hardware event inside the CPU, that than will lead to an interrupt being sent to the kernel.

Since interrupts are ultimately hardware related, they are not limited to specific operating systems. Unless you are a kernel developer, there is however very little you can do with interrupts yourself, as they are ultimately dealt with by the kernel.

That being said, some interrupts can be manually enabled/disabled by your program, by invoking operating system or even hardware specific functions. This could for example be useful if you want to actively catch floating point exceptions (instead of making them cause NaN values).

Professional astronomer.